Level of Health Effects Among Post COVID Patients


  • L. Parimala Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS, Chennai 602 105, Tamilnadu, India Author


health effects, post-COVID patients


Starting in December of 2019, COVID-19 spread worldwide. A rapid infection rate and human-to-human transmission characterize COVID-19. Although the pandemic has been under effective control, numbers of confirmed and suspected cases continue to rise. Physicians, nurses, and ambulance workers are more likely to be infected than any other group. To assess the level of health effect among post COVID patients and to find out association between the level of health effect among post COVID patients with their selected demographic variables. This study was conducted with 60 post-COVID patients in a quantitative approach, non-experimental descriptive design by purposive sampling technique. A self-structured questionnaire method was used to collect both the demographic data and the level of physiological and psychological health effects. 26.7% of them were under grade 1 health effects, 38.3% of them were of grade 2 health effects, and 35% of them had grade 3 health effects due to COVID-19. The study concluded that it is vital to formulate appropriate medical interventions to enhance physical and mental state among post-COVID patients. Mental health should be prioritized during the pandemic. Mental support should be made available and created accessible during and after the COVID-19 outbreak to lessen the ill effect on physiological health status.






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